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Category Archives: Articles for Buyers

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Hirst Decision Fixed

 On January 19, 2018 Governor Inslee signed the Hirst fix legislation passed by the state legislature as SB 6091. This fixes the very troubling 2016 Washington State Supreme Court ruling known as the Hirst decision. The Hirst decision caused chaos by adding uncertainty whether rural property owners would be able to prove water availability and get building permits for new construction. There was a lot of confusion and …

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2017 Leavenworth Home Prices

2017 Leavenworth home prices set many new records. We have had five years of increasing prices and home sales in a row, but this was the first year that all of these numbers surpassed the records set in the “bubble” years of 2006 and 2007.     A record 178 single family homes sold in Leavenworth in 2017.  This is a 10% increase from …

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Chelan County Well Drilling Myths: Hirst Decision Expl...

 UPDATED JANUARY 2018 The Washington State legislature passed SB 6091 which fixes the state Supreme Court ruling known as the Hirst decision. Governor Jay Inslee signed the Hirst fix legislation January 19, 2018.  We will link to a blog post with new information – this is good news.   In the past year, we have heard a ton of Chelan County well drilling myths in the …

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Leavenworth Home Prices

 In the summer of 2017, the Leavenworth home prices continued on the path we have seen for the past few years. Demand remains strong and inventory very low.   The number of new listings that came on the market in Leavenworth was identical to the summer of 2016, but since we had a dearth of listings coming into summer it meant not enough homes …

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Leavenworth Real Estate Update Spring 2017

Most quarters we focus on the sales activity in our Leavenworth real estate update.  We look at info about the number of sales, and the median and average home price to give us an approximation of the health of the real estate market.  Large numbers of home sales and increasing prices tell us that demand is high. This quarter we’ll mix it up a …

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Do I really need Flood Insurance in Leavenworth?

Guest Post by Eric Kossian of Leavenworth Insurance Do you find yourself asking “Do I really need Flood Insurance in Leavenworth for my home?” First of all, what is a flood?   A flood is surface water from any source including mudslide that affects at least two properties or at least 2 acres of dry land. Damage from a flood is excluded under all homeowner’s …

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2016 Leavenworth Home Prices

2016 Leavenworth home prices remained strong compared to 2015 with continued strong buyer demand and overall low inventory.  The median home price in Leavenworth for 2016 was $345,000 which is only trivially lower than 2015 and the average home price is up slightly to $397,000.  While home buyers might feel that 2016 Leavenworth home prices were soaring, they actually remained stable. The average home …

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Why do renters pay more for auto insurance?

The following is a guest post by Eric Kossian of Leavenworth Insurance. Renters pay more for auto insurance then homeowner’s in several instances: 1. Your overall risk classification: Most renters are typically receiving a quote from a insurance carrier’s that typically sell mostly to medium and higher risk clientele. You will be quoted in a higher risk carrier (with a higher price) if your …

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Leavenworth Washington Home Prices Summer 2016

(For readers with a keen eye, you will note that our July report referred to Q2 data as “summer home prices.” That report was really talking about SPRING prices in Leavenworth and the report you are reading now is the actual summer home price data.) In the summer of 2016, Leavenworth Washington home prices continued on the path we have seen for the past …

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Leavenworth Home Prices Summer 2016

There are a lot of opportunities for gratuitous headlines looking at the latest statistics from the Leavenworth real estate market. “Home Sales Drop 23% in Leavenworth!” “Leavenworth Home Prices Down 11%!” While both are true statements, neither paint a particularly true picture of the market. Buyers who are getting beast out in multiple offer scenarios for a house in town, would be particularly surprised …



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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