Leavenworth Condos

Looking for Leavenworth Condos for Sale? Here are 5 things to consider:
1.) Do you want to use your Leavenworth condo as a vacation rental?
In the Leavenworth city limits and the Urban Growth Boundary of Leavenworth a condo needs to be zoned for commercial use if you want to rent it nightly or weekly as a vacation rental.
Condominiums in residential areas may be rented on a monthly basis, but not nightly or weekly. Condominiums at Granite Court, along Whitman and Prospect Streets, and Ski Blick (Titus Road) all fit into the category of non-commercial condos and are zoned for Residential Multi-Family use. Without looking at a zoning map, you can safely assume that any condo located North of Highway 2 in Leavenworth is not zoned for commercial use. (Some condo associations also prohibit nightly weekly rentals even if the zoning allows it.)
If you want to buy a Leavenworth condo as a vacation rental good options include Aspen Suites at Icicle Village, Alpine Village, River Park Condos, Cascade Crest. Condos at Kahler Glen Golf Resort now require a Short Term Rental permit from Chelan County.
2.) Do you want your condominium on a golf course?
There are two courses in the Leavenworth area with nearby condos. Kahler Glen, near Lake Wenatchee, has the Kahler Glen Condos and the Natapoc townhouse units. The Leavenworth Golf Club also has condominiums nearby at the 17th Fairway and Summer Green.
In addition to golf, these condos also enjoy access to xc ski trails in the winter which are groomed along the fairways both at Kahler Glen and the Leavenworth Golf Course.
3.) Do you want to walk into downtown from your Leavenworth condo?
Walkable Leavenworth condo options include the River Park Homes in downtown Leavenworth, Cascade Crest, Alpine Village, The Boulders or Aspen Suites at Icicle Village Resort.
Those condos farther afield include the condos at Kahler Glen which are 30-45 minutes away and the those condos at the Leavenworth golf course which is only a short drive from town.
4.) How much room do you need in your condo?
Prior to 2006 the majority of condos sold in Leavenworth were 1 or 2 bedroom units averaging about 1000 square feet. In the past decade, condos have grown in size with the median condominium featuring 1300 square feet, though 3 bedroom units remain rare. Expect to pay a premium for more than 1000 square feet and more than 2 bedrooms.
For the first time condo buyer, parking can be a real issue. If this is going to be a primary residence, you may not have the three car garage you are used to. Single car carports are more common and there may be much less storage than your previous home.
5.) Looking for new construction condos in Leavenworth?
We saw a boom of new condos being built in 2007 but no condos were built during the recession and very few after. Currently, any condo you purchase will be a resale.