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What’s it like living in Leavenworth Washington?

Posted by Geordie Romer on June 10, 2012

People ask all the time what it’s like living in Leavenworth Washington.
One of the real pleasures about small town living is how safe it is with very little crime and a great sense of community.
It’s really pretty common for people to leave their doors unlocked here in Leavenworth. More than once when meeting with a homeowner to put their house on the market I have gotten a blank look when asking for a spare key to put in the lockbox.
I’m sure we got a key when we bought the house, but we haven’t locked the door for so long, I’m not sure if we know where it is..
Yesterday, I met with some new homeowners and heard a story about the consequences of leaving your door unlocked in Leavenworth.
The new homeowners and I talked about how the rhubarb had been growing in their yard while the house they bought was vacant and on the market.  Neighbors often called wanting to know if they could harvest the rhubarb in years past and I’m sure many just liberated a little rhubarb now and then without asking.

Image by Burke Wicker on Flickr

We left our back door unlocked the other day. When we got home there were two rhubarb pies sitting on the kitchen table. No note, no phone call, just two pies.
From now I’ll tell this story when people ask what living in Leavenworth is like.



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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