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2016 Leavenworth Home Prices

2016 Leavenworth home prices remained strong compared to 2015 with continued strong buyer demand and overall low inventory.  The median home price in Leavenworth for 2016 was $345,000 which is only trivially lower than 2015 and the average home price is up slightly to $397,000.  While home buyers might feel that 2016 Leavenworth home prices were soaring, they actually remained stable. The average home …

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Leavenworth Average Home Prices – 2015 Behind t...

When exploring home price trends in real estate, it’s common to use two different numbers to describe what is going on. Is there a difference between Leavenworth average home prices and median home prices? The median home price: “denoting or relating to a value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a frequency distribution of observed values or quantities, such that there is an …

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Leavenworth Home Prices for 2015 First Quarter

Leavenworth home prices for 2015 first quarter remain relatively stable compared to past years.  The average sales price for a single family home in Leavenworth (excluding condominiums) was $385,000 up 8% from $355,000.  Meanwhile, the median home price was down to $332,000 from $363,000 (down 8%). First quarter numbers haven’t been a great predictor of trends, but it is nice to see a strong start in …

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Leavenworth Home Sales Spring 2014 Report

When clients and friends ask me about the state of the Leavenworth real estate market, I tell them that it’s recovering. It is in the process of improving and getting a little stronger each month. Leavenworth home sales were fairly strong in the 2nd quarter of 2014, just slightly less than 2013 levels for the same time period.  The number of single family homes sold …

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Few New Leavenworth Homes For Sale | Leavenworth housi...

We have been writing quite a bit about a Leavenworth housing shortage or lack of inventory in the Leavenworth real estate market. After the first two months, it seems like that theme is going to be influential in 2014. Searching for Leavenworth homes for sale?   Photo courtesy of Tom Rydquist on Flickr How is the supply of homes in Leavenworth doing at the end …

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2013 Leavenworth Real Estate Statistics

It’s finally time for our annual review of the Leavenworth real estate market and the 2013 Leavenworth real estate statistics. As we expected, 2013 continued the positive trends that we saw in 2012.  The number of sales each year is going up significantly and with this increase in demand, home prices are starting to creep up as well. For sellers or homeowners, this is …

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Leavenworth 3rd Quarter Home Sales 2013

Leavenworth 3rd quarter home sales were not as strong as those in the 2nd quarter of 2013, but continue a trend of strong sales volume and increasing prices in 2013. We are seeing this in a number of sectors of the Leavenworth real estate market including condominium sales and even manufactured homes. Leavenworth Condo Sales 14 condos sold in Leavenworth and Lake Wenatchee in …

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Leavenworth Homes Sales – 1st Quarter of 2013

After a healthy increase in sales activity in 2012, I think we all had big expectations for 2013. Unfortunately, we had a huge storm in December which I think delayed sales at the beginning of the year. (For example this January only 2 homes closed compared to 8 the previous year.) Here’s a great video of the snow and the down trees for those …

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2012 Leavenworth Home Prices

It’s time for our year end review of 2012 Leavenworth home prices. Overall, 2012 saw continued improvement for the Leavenworth real estate market. We saw a huge uptick in volume of sold homes, both in the number sold and the total dollar value of those homes. As you can see from this chart, 2012 was a big improvement from 2009-2011. We are still seeing …

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Record July Home Sales in Leavenworth

We have been seeing reports about increasing real estate sales  and even increasing prices  for a few months now. The real estate market in Leavenworth has slowly but surely been improving for sellers.  This month has been more than just an improvement – we have seen record July home sales in Leavenworth for 2012. Photo courtesy of Justin Liew on Flickr More homes have sold in Leavenworth …



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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