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Leavenworth Property Rights Fundraiser

Posted by Geordie Romer on November 11, 2009

The Following is a Guest Post
Allow me to introduce myself and steal a moment of your time. My name is Tabatha Hargis, I own a property over in the Lake Wenatchee area which we spend time at regularly with family and friends. We come into the Leavenworth Village often and love all the wonderful shops and eateries. In addition to enjoying our cabins personally, we also rent them out on the weekends when we are not using them. This allows us to afford a second home and ultimately be able to continue enjoying this beautiful area. We are one of several families who use their cabins in this manner.
In the past year a few members of our home owners association in Chiwawa River Pines have voiced that they do not like the vacation rentals in their neighborhood since they have decided to retire and live there full time. Once our development started taking steps to disallow vacation rentals, several other individuals in surrounding neighborhoods are talking about trying to follow suit.
This is becoming a huge concern not only for the hundreds of home owners who have been renting their cabins out for decades, but also for the surrounding small businesses that rely on tourism and vacation rentals in that area. It has also become a growing problem for Realtors trying to sell houses in that area. When the market is already down, this is just one more deterrent for potential buyers.
I come to you today asking for your support in our endeavor to preserve our fundamental rights as property owners. We have had no choice but to enter into a lawsuit against our HOA in order to stop them from changing our covenants and banning these short term rentals.
As you can imagine, this process is very expensive with the legal fees, not to mention extremely trying on many of us in an already trying time. A large group of owners have banned together to put on a fund raiser dinner and silent auction in hopes of raising funds to continue our fight.
Mt. Springs Lodge has generously offered their facilities to us on Jan. 23rd to hold our fund raiser. Any donation items that your business can contribute to our silent auction table would be greatly appreciated.
  We will be distributing a flier in the upcoming weeks all around Leavenworth/Plain/Lake Wenatchee area and selling tickets to the event. If you would like any more information on this issue, the law suit, or would like to help in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact me. 206-902-8396.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
 Tabatha Hargis
 Property Manager Fish Lake Cabins



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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