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Leavenworth Blog Update

Posted by Geordie Romer on July 5, 2008

2021 update: not surprisingly most of the other blogs have long disappeared. Since the links don’t go anywhere, I have removed them, but I have kept the rest of this article intact.
A Leavenworth real estate blog? Three and a half years ago, I think people thought I was a little nuts to start blogging about Leavenworth and the local real estate market.
As blogging has become more popular every year, the local blogosphere has become a little more populated as well (though far from crowded and not quite a community either.)
In addition to me and my cohorts here at the original Leavenworth real estate blog, there are 3 other blogs that I know of that are focused on real estate in the Leavenworth area.
Wenatchee area superblogger Carol Williams runs the Leavenworth Condo Blog. With all the new construction projects going on in town, and the multitude of choices in Leavenworth Condos, we certainly could use a blog devoted to the Leavenworth Condo scene. Unfortunately, this blog probably isn’t it. Carol is more of a Wenatchee specialist and her condo blog is more a brief rundown of condo stats than an insider’s view of the condo scene. If you are expecting something like Ben Kakimoto’s Seattle Condo Blog or Kevin Tomlinson’s Miami Real Estate Blog, you are likely to be a little disappointed. Her last post was in December and last year there were only 7 posts total. (Of course, I heartily endorse Carol’s Wenatchee Real Estate Blog which is a clear leader locally.)
Rookie real estate agents, Blaine and Erin Davidson, run the Leavenworth Estate Blog. This blog is mostly generic homeowner (or home seller or home buyer) tips. Wenatchee World articles dealing with local real estate stories are also included. Unfortunately, there isn’t any commentary or advice specific to the Leavenworth real estate market, based on their experience. They also have a Wenatchee Blog with a similar feel. I applaud them jumping into the blogosphere, but their content still lacks the personality one expects to shine through in a blog.
Next up is the blog over at Sam Ernst’s LeavenworthLeavenworth Blog. (This is the same content as the Prudential Mike West Blog.) This blog seems to have its up and downs, but is my favorite of the three. I enjoy reading Mike West’s reminiscing about his long tenure in the local real estate market. His recent post about “Inventing” the Leavenworth Vacation Rental was pretty enlightening. Much of the content here is pretty “rah rah” cheerleading stuff about “now is the perfect time to buy”, but maybe that will subside at some point. My biggest beef is that they don’t seem to allow comments. I have tried to add to the discussion a few times and they haven’t approved a single comment. (If you don’t allow comments, it’s not really a blog, it’s a website and an oldfashioned web 1.0 one at that.)
Al Lorenz’s NCW Real Estate Blog is also pretty new to the scene. Al is a Chelan area real estate agent, but he blogs about the Wenatchee area and Leavenworth too. Since he has vacation property in the Chiwawa River Pines neighborhood, he can be a pretty good source of info for the Lake Wenatchee area. For a new blog, he really seems to understand the medium and has done a great job.
Lake Wenatchee Info isn’t a real estate blog, but it is a great source of Lake Wenatchee info. I seem to be linking to articles on it all the time. Whether you are looking for updates on extreme weather, or are missing a dock, a boat or a dog, this website seems to be the best source of info around.
Did I miss your Leavenworth or Lake Wenatchee real estate blog? Send me a link and we’ll make sure you get noticed.
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    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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