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Lake Wenatchee State Park on Mothball List ?!

Posted by Geordie Romer on March 13, 2009

According to the Wenatchee World, Lake Wenatchee State Park is one of the local parks that may be mothballed in order to save money during these fiscally challenging times.

Don’t Let this Happen

Washington State Parks website says:
The Governor’s budget proposal, announced in December, was based on a revenue forecast that predicted a 5.7 billion revenue shortfall. The Governor’s budget, requires State Parks to take a 10 percent budget cut (approximately $10 million in general fund). More recently, the state’s revenue forecast was predicted to have a revenue gap of more than $8 billion. As the Legislature creates its budget for the Governor to sign in late spring, this greater challenge may require State Parks to make even deeper expenditure reductions that will affect parks and services. The Legislature has asked State Parks to prepare a scenario that would reduce the State Parks budget by approximately $23 million. The Legislature will adopt and the governor will sign a final budget into law in late spring, then the Commission will implement the final budget.
The Wenatchee World explains that, “Mothballing means gates would be closed and facilities such as restrooms locked up, but people could enter the areas on foot for day use..”
Temporary closure could save the state $169, 723 per year.
What closing Lake Wenatchee State Park could mean:

No grooming of nordic ski trails at Lake Wenatchee, Nason Ridge or Chiwawa
No easy public boat ramp access to Lake Wenatchee
Poor access to lake during Sockeye Salmon season
No Polar Bear swim at New Years
Increased demand on USFS campground at Nason Creek

Public comment is being taken at [email protected]



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