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2004 Growth in Local Real Estate

Posted by Geordie Romer on January 15, 2005

No real surprises here. The Leavenworth and Cashmere real estate markets continued to see great growth in 2004. The average price of a 2 bedroom home in Leavenworth went from $196,000 in 2003 to $210,000 in 2004. 3 bedroom homes went from $260,000 to $295,000. These are gains of 7% and 13.5%. The average home price went from $219,000 to $254,000, a nearly 12% gain. Volume went from 106 to 161 homes – an amazing 52% increase!

Cashmere saw incredible growth too. Average home prices soared 27% from $142,000 to 180,000. Volume was up 38%.

What does all this mean?

This is a great time to sell a house! Interests rates remain low and there’s really not much left on the market. If you are even remotely thinking about selling, please give me a call to discuss your options.



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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