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What’s NEW on the Leavenworth real estate market?

It’s spring in Leavenworth and the birds are making nests, the glacier lillies and trillium are starting to bloom and people have put away their skis and dusted off their bicycles.
Real Estate yard signs are starting to pop up around the neighborhood too.  There certainly are more listings coming on the market every day.
But wait… haven’t I seen some of these listings before?
Yep, you sure have. (Some keep turning up like a bad penny.)

Bad Penny photo by Aaron Escobar

83 homes have come on the market in March or April this year. 49 of them have been on the market recently, some are listed with a new agent, some with a new price tag.
It boils down to this…. only 41% of the NEW listings… are really new.



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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