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We’re on Facebook – Come Join Us

Posted by Geordie Romer on September 23, 2010

Most of our regular readers already know that Icicle Creek Homes has a Facebook page, but now you ALL know.
What happens on Facebook that doesn’t happen here on the blog you ask?
First of all, our Facebook fans and friends get the first notice on anything new. It’s our way of saying thanks. If we have a new listing – we’ll put a short blurb on Facebook first.
Of course, our Facebook page isn’t just about our listings. That would be boring. Really boring.
We use our Facebook page to share interesting news items, tidbits, photos and links that we think you might be interested in.
For example, here are a few things we’ve highlighted lately.

Werner Jenssen rails against Big Banks on KOHO Radio
Forest Service to Repair Icicle Road
Wenatchee Business Journal Reports on Leavenworth Real Estate Market
Floors Made from Recycled Wine Barrels?
Redfin Shares Data on First Impressions – Sellers Take Note

It hasn’t started happening yet, but we’d love for you to share on our Facebook page too! Feel free to share Leavenworth news or events or a nice picture you have snapped from your phone around town. Share a link with us about real estate or home design – the more the merrier.
We look forward to seeing you over on Icicle Creek Homes Facebook page. When you get to Facebook just click the Like button to join us.



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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