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Two Years of Blogging

Posted by Geordie Romer on January 2, 2007

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been blogging about real estate now for two years. In the beginning it was just a few statistics (market updates) but mostly it was another venue for me to talk about my listings. Obviously that wasn’t particularly exciting or engaging – not for me or for my readers. As I learn more about the blogosphere and about real estate blogging, I try and continually adapt and change to make this a more educational and useful site.
Highlights over the past few years are many. Certainly being noticed by other bloggers and real estate professionals is nice. Mentions in the Spokesman Review and being named as one of the 500 real estate “blogs to watch” were fantastic. Last week a reporter from the N Y Times contacted me about doing an article on vacation homes in Leavenworth after reading my posts.
More important is receiving comments from consumers. I love it when home buyers ask about a post I made. Better educated consumers are great – they are fun to work with and tend to make better real estate decisions.
As we start 2007, I have made a few goals for blogging in the New Year. I plan to blog more consistently – both on my sites (here and on Active Rain) and participate more on other sites. I will likely try and focus on Rain City Guide, The Real Estate Tomato, The Seattle PI Real Estate Blog, and one of Ardell’s Blogs. (Gosh that seems like a lot, especially when the skiing is so good.) I will also try and increase the insight and opinion on my blog – more of the WHY in addition to the WHAT. Finally, I will find a way to increase participation on my blog – by hook or by crook. My fantasy is to have consumers ask pertinent questions or challenge my assertions on my blog, but a good start would be for me to add out of area real estate agents, local lenders, insurance agents, etc.



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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