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FHA Mortgages – Loans for Limited Repairs

This is a Guest Post provided by Kevin Rimes, of Taylor Mortgage in Wenatchee HUD has developed an FHA insured mortgage, called the “Streamline (K)” Limited Repair Program that permits homebuyers to finance up to an additional $35,000 into their mortgage to improve or upgrade their home before move-in. With this product, homebuyers can quickly and easily tap into cash to pay for property repairs …

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Mortgage Roundtable – Part II

This is part II of a series of questions I asked a group of real estate professionals about the state of real estate lending in 2009. Click here to read Part I of the Leavenworth Mortgage Roundtable.  Our panelists include: Michelle Wilson of Alpine Mortgage. You can find her on the web at Darel Ansley of Peoples Bank in Wenatchee Washington. He blogs on Active Rain and has …

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Mortgage Roundtable – Part I

Mortgage Professionals Debate the State of Real Estate Lending For today’s real estate lending discussion I was lucky enough to get a panel of experts from the real estate lending community to answer 5 questions about mortgages, home loans, and the lending industry. I posed the same questions to each panelist in the roundtable and none of the panelist have yet read the other’s …

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FHA Mortgages: Today’s Best Deal

Guest post from Darel Ansley, Mortgage Lender, at Peoples Bank in Wenatchee: Just about everything is in place to stimulate the housing markets, prices and rates are lower, and banks have money to lend. I think the only problem is the media has the potential buyers scared to come out of their bomb shelters to see if the coast is clear. Here are a couple …

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Financing land in Leavenworth

Guest post by Darel Ansley of Peoples Bank in Wenatchee I am hearing from a lot of clients that their banks are no longer financing land. I am finding that other local lenders are cutting back on their land loans by charging higher interest rates and/or requiring higher down payments. Some of these moves seem a little drastic to me. It’s unfortunate that these …

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Leavenworth Mortgage Update

This Leavenworth Mortgage Update is from Darel Ansley at People’s Bank Hi everyone, The year has gotten off to a great start with mortgage and construction rates dropping as the fear of recession is pulling the stock market down. This of course makes Real Estate more affordable for the buyer. My prediction is that we will see some more bad economic news this month …

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Leavenworth Mortgage Crises?

Guest post from Darel Ansley of Peoples Bank in Wenatchee People have been asking me how the recent mortgage meltdown will affect lending in Leavenworth. The truth is, the ‘crises’ is actually helping people in Leavenworth. As you might imagine, few people purchase a vacation home with a subprime mortgage, and the typical Leavenworth buyer is at the far end of the spectrum from …

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Helping the kids get their First Home

Guest Post by Darel Ansley of Peoples Bank in Wenatchee Many homeowners I talk to are excited about all the appreciation they have gained over the last few years, but for us Baby Boomers, the conversation often turns to : how are my kids ever going to get into a home? This has been an issue in the Puget Sound region for some time, …

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Interest Rates

In my discussions with my favorite lender, Darel Ansley of People’s Bank, it sounds like interest rates are starting to nudge up again. (Around 6.5% +/-) Mortgage professionals are guessing it could reach 6.7% later this summer. The good news is that this is likely as high as it will get for a while. If rates stay under 7% for a few years it …



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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