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Our New Years Blog Resolutions

Posted by Geordie Romer on December 30, 2011

As 2011 comes to  a close, many of us look towards the new year with hope and promise. For many, New Year’s resolutions are a way to make a list of things we want to do better, to try again, or to try for the very first time.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Moyle

As this blog continues to evolve over the years (has it been seven already?!!) I thought some New Year’s resolutions for this blog would be a great way of previewing some of things we hope to have in store for you in 2012.
More Videos in 2012
There is so much we want to do in the video realm.  It’s easy to post home videos that we shoot ourselves, but ideally we’d like the production value to be better than that.  This takes both money, in terms of equipment and software, and time for both shooting and for editing.  We may or may not decide to hire someone to help us with these projects, or even better, find an intern looking to build a resume.
Our ideas for videos:

Home Tours
Neighborhood Tours
Interviews with Geordie and Allyson
Stories of client experiences
Interviews with insurance agents, mortgage brokers and home inspectors

In 2011 we actually filmed a series of educational videos about mortgages with local mortgage bankers, but couldn’t get the bank to approve them.
More Guest Posts in 2012
We love having guests add another perspective here on our blog. In the past we have had posts from local mortgage professionals like Darel Ansley of Peoples Bank in Wenatchee, insurance tips from Eric Kossian of Leavenworth Insurance, and home inspection info from Chip Roberson of Mission Home Inspection.
I would love to have more posts from these authors as well as other articles that would be helpful and educational to our readers.
Would you consider writing a post for us in 2012?
Expand Our Series “Life of a Leavenworth Real Estate Agent”
We have done just a couple of posts in this series. From the comments we have received, people really learn quite a bit about how we spend our time in these “behind the scenes” articles.
Did we miss anything?
What would you change or add to this blog in 2012?



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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