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Fortune Magazine “Real Estate Survival guide”

Posted by Geordie Romer on May 7, 2006

My new issue of Fortune came in the mail today. I’ve been a fan of the mag the last year or so. I don’t really have the energy to pour through the Economist like I used to, nor do I feel like I need to start each day with the WSJ or NYT. I tried Money, but was often dismayed by their lack of insight on real estate matters. Anyhow, the new issue of Fortune:
The first article about the bubble deflating was a lot of hype. Real Estate is local, some bubbles will deflate, some markets will continue to shine. After you read the first article “Harsh Reality” you will swear off real estate, but the second article “Ten Tips for Today’s Market” tempers the first.
“It never pays to get caught up in group hysteria, especially when it comes to real estate. Conditions vary from town to town, and no national statistics can give you a clear picture of what’s happening in your neighborhood. So don’t let headlines spook you into making a costly mistake.”
Amen! I’m tired of hearing glaring generalizations about the market that are irrelevant to the hot market I deal in daily.
Additionally, I love the common sense tips. I’d link to the article here but Fortune mag online doesn’t have the article. 🙁
Here are my favorites:
Price it right. (Not as common as you think it is..)
Hire an Agent (Obviously, I have strong feelings on this one. I won’t say any more)
Set the Stage ( Even in a hot market, no one wants to buy a dump.)
The cover price is $4.99. go pick up a copy or at least read the article at the library.



    If you’re planning to buy a home in this area, the best place to start is with the Leavenworth Home Buyer’s Guide.

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